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Showing posts from June, 2017

High Water in Mackay 2017

2017 has been a record water year in Mackay.  In February, snow fall in the upper Big Lost River basin was reported by the National Resource Conservation Service as 400 % of normal.  And, on top of that snow, approximately 3/4 inches of rain fell later in the month.  We are now seeing the effects. The Snotel gage at Lost-Wood Divide (top of Trail Creek Road) shows no snow for the past several days.  The gage at Smiley Mountain (measures snow that will go into the East Fork of the Big Lost River) indicates there are still 26 inches of snow with 11 inches of water content (today 6-10-17). The high runoff has peaked by all indications:  Snotel gages and the White Horse that "Old Timers" used to determine when high water had peaked has disappeared from the m ountains south of Barton Flatt.  Interesting how old methods to determine when water runoff has peaked, have been verified by modern technology. The water flow at the Howell Ranch gage (used to mea...