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Showing posts from May, 2013

Lest We Forget

Yesterday after placing flowers on my parents graves and on Shirley's dad's grave in the Mt. McCaleb Cemetery above Mackay, Idaho; we went to Challis to buy garden plants and flowers to spruce up our yard and provide us with another task to accomplish this summer (trying not to kill our tomatoes, zucchinis, and cucumbers.  We don't have much trouble raising basil, spinach, parsley, and chocolate mint; as these plants  for the most part are just glorified weeds). Any way, being that it is Memorial Day weekend and since we spent most of Friday morning with the Scouts and Cub Scouts of Troop and Pack 98 putting flags on the graves of veterans in the Mt. McCaleb Cemetery for the American Legion, we decided to stop at the Custer County Veterans Memorial located south of Challis at the Land of the Yankee Fork State Park (at the junction of US Highway 93 and Idaho Scenic Highway 75) and check it out. Custer County Veterans Memorial Wayne Olsen Photo Names of Veterans b...